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Commercial law is a sub-branch of law that encompasses all trade-related legislation. It regulates commercial relations, exchanges and rights of parties between businesses, traders, individuals. The provisions are basically collected in the Commercial Code in our country (Law no. 6102 in 2011). In addition, the Capital Market Law, Bank Cards and Credit Cards Law are among the commercial law laws.


The general concepts of commercial law are defined in the titles of merchant, commercial enterprise, trade registry, trade name, unfair competition, commercial books, current account, commercial affairs brokerage, agency, commercial partnerships.


Commercial partnerships are collective, limited, joint stock, limited and cooperative partnerships. The law related to documents is gathered under the title of valuable papers. Forms of arrangement are registered and bearer. Maritime law, insurance law (excluding social insurance) are other commercial law subjects.


Our office, which provides professional advocacy and consultancy services in the field of Commercial Law, provides all necessary legal support to our esteemed clients with its specialized staff in this field.

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